Sunday, April 21, 2013

On the road again.....

This past week I traveled for another business trip to Omaha, NE. I officially envy any person who travels consistently for their job (my husband) and completely holds it together from week to week without allowing the stress of being away to effect them! Needless to say I have not quite figured out how to juggle traveling, hit weekly meeting goals for work, keep up with house work, and still indulge in all my OCD habits (like vacuuming everyday!)
Luckily for me (and everyone else who is affected by mommy traveling) I only have one more trip this year!

So, with mommy gone during the week and retuning just in time for the weekend we were able to jump right into a laid back weekend....

Like Saturday night movie night...which is quite different then a couple of years start the movie of choice was Barbie ballerina....

Sunday brought on another laid back day. While the kids napped and Daddy cleaned his Turkey (first successful spring turkey hunt of the year!) I attended an Origami Owl party. It's a very cool concept were you create a living locket. I feel so fortunate that I am able to create a locket that includes my babies, husband, and some of my favorite things (like wine!)

Here's to another work week of full schedules, late night work outs, and maybe even our favorite mister
will be on the move....

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Go fly a kite....

It's been awhile since my last post so I'm going to try to capture the past few weeks all in one post....I don't know if I should start with Dominic's 6 month sales meeting in San Antonio....a random late March record snow storm, Dominic's first tooth, Clare's soccer game of the Spring season or flying kites....

Recently my favorite Mr. turned 6 months old! And with that came some major his first tooth! Oh, and saying mama! I love hearing him say it especially since Clare said Dada first and called me Dada for months! At 6 months old Dominic is almost 18 pounds!

And speaking of saying "mama" he decided to go ahead and say his first and most favorite word while I was out of town attending our annual sales meeting...yep I starting crying in front of all my partners when I heard those sweet words over the phone! Although I technically missed his first word I am thankful for technology! And I mentioned our annual sales meeting...once per year we are lucky enough to gather together as a company/ region for some much needed bonding time and 2 full days of meetings. This year while we were enjoying rays of sunshine in San Antonio, TX Mother Nature decided winter wasn't quite over and decided to drop 12 inches of snow!

Luckily the snow has melted and just in time for Clare to develop yet another love...flying kites! We took in the beautiful weather with a 9am soccer game (she did great! We only had to go on the field with her like 3 times!) as well as a late afternoon of kite flying.

Finally, we welcomed a new member to our family on March 20th, Avery! We have a new niece and cousin who couldn't be more perfect!

With only a soccer game planned for this weekend I can't wait to see what memories we will make!