Monday, September 26, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday!

Thank you to everyone who came out for Clare's party!  I hope everyone had as much fun as we did : )

Enjoy the pictures,
The Ahearn's

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Flash Back.....

I know its a little early but I wanted to upload some pictures of this time last year.....I was 39 weeks here (Clare was born on her due date which the chances of that are usually pretty slim!)

Newborn                                                                                  11 1/2 months

Almost One and Fairy Wands

Things are almost done with all of Clare's party arrangments and its been a busy August.   Paul has been traveling every other week and my job has been keeping me very busy as well.  As if I was not busy enough, I decided to start making Tulle wands to sell at Craft Fairs!  I already sold 2 so I'm 1/3 of the way to making my money back for materials.  Clare is learning new things daily and getting so smart!  She has yet to show interest in walking so we are not going to push her. One thing that I am proud of is I have mastered the exact number of cheerios needed to keep her occupied long enough so I can put on my makeup and fix my hair!  This is a huge success for me, lol!  
Over the last week she has had Croup and she has been such a trooper about not feeling well. The picture is from her at the doctor and as you can see, she handles sickness well! 

Next post will probably be Clare's 1 year pictures as well as pictures from her party! 

The Ahearns