Monday, October 7, 2013

Ladies and Gentleman, Boys and Girls, wear your cape or your prettiest dress because this Princess and Super Hero party will be the best!

She's Three and He's One....
In the words of sweet Clare...their birthday party was AMAZING!

It was nothing short of perfect! Before I send you on picture overload I wanted to share quick updates on our sweet Clare and mister bister....

Reading books
Putting together puzzles (24 pieces!)
Anything princess
Playing dress up
Watching wrestling with Dad
33 lbs
90 percentile for height (I can't remember how tall she is!)

This and that...
ALMOST potty trained
Started dance class
Won't wear pants (those are for boys)
Naps in the afternoon for 2ish hours (sometimes)
Has very intelligent conversations and often keeps us on our toes with her conversations! 

Dumping out buckets of toys
All food!
Splashing in the bath
Playing hide and seek

This and that...
ALMOST walking
21 lbs (19th percentile) 
Sits forward facing in the car
Does not sit still (seriously never!)
Drinks Soy toddler formula (seems to help with his puking)
Says: Mama, Dada, Bo, uh oh, bye bye
Mama, mama, and more mama! 

Friday, August 9, 2013

Boys and Girls.....

So since I am blessed with both a boy and a girl I wanted to explain my experiences between the two...

Early Sunday morning bed snuggles...
Girl: sweet girl snuggles right up and falls back asleep right before whispering she loves you in my ear
Boy: head butts you in the face until you wake up

Coffee table decor....
Girl: ignores them
Boy: pulls them off the table, throws them on the ground, and pukes on them 

Assist with help up after falling....
Girl: grabs my hand and kisses it thanking me for help
Boy: bits my hand as I help him up

Baby Gates....
Girl: no need for those
Boy: I'm pretty sure he is confined to an 8x8 section of the living room

As I am writing this blog....
Girl: quietly watching her favorite show
Boy: just broke a decorative candle onto the floor

Friday, July 19, 2013

Catch up!

Lots has been going on since our little lake another trip to the lake next week! More to come on that future adventure. 

Dominic update: 

Feeds himself his own bottle 

Loves cheerios, mandarin oranges, graham crackers, and ice cream

Almost walking! He crawls and stands up on everything but won't let go yet

Into everything! His favorite things to get into are dog food/water, door stoppers (putting the cap in his mouth), vacuum cords, and electrical outlets - super safe

Still talking all the time and can shake his head no! 

He is sleeping really well with 2 naps a day. 

We just got over another ear infection so he is back to his good sleeping habits

He has 6 teeth! 

Clarabelle update: 
She is almost potty trained! She does really well at home with no accidents but isn't quite comfortable going potty in public

She has been very sweet lately and is becoming a good listener 

She says over and over again that Bobo is her best friend! 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Three's a crowd or Three's company?

This past week we ventured once again to our favorite getaway spot in Missouri...Table rock lake! However, we invited Mr. Grayson along this time for his first ever "cation" aka vacation. There are so many things that I look back at and just have to laugh trying to tackle 2 potty training toddlers while on a boat. Of course they BOTH just had to go #2 within minutes of each other (I'll leave your imagination up to you but picture me in the lake "emptying" out their swimming suits). Another was our very own Clarabelle falling right over the boat into the "sea"! One memory that is not as funny to Paul as it was to me was my terrible packing skills...I tend to over pack by about 6 days.

Although our Plan A often turned into Plan
G it never got us down! There is always plenty to do and memories to make. So was Three A Crowd??? Not one bit! We were overjoyed to have Three kiddos as company on our little adventure.