Monday, July 11, 2011

Fever Free!

What a difference a few hours make!  Thursday morning Clare woke up not feeling like herself and by the afternoon she had a 102 degree fever.  She has never had a fever once since she was born so this was very un usual for her.  Daddy took her to the doctor and they said it was just a virus and it would have to pass.  She started to feel better, but Friday morning woke up with a 103 degree fever. Again, daddy nursed her all day and she was feeling better by Friday night. Well, Saturday morning came around and what a poor little sick girl we  had again.  She wouldn't smile for anything and just wanted to be held.  So thats just what we did!  By 11:30am on Saturday morning she was sweating so much I was wet along with the pillow on the couch and her clothes.  BUT when she woke up she was fever free!  What a difference a few hours make : )  The old wise tail about "sweating" out a fever really does work.  Today she was all smiles and our happy little girl has been fever free for more than 24 hours. 

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

Yesterday we spent the day at my Aunts house hoping for a great pool day....well for those of you in Missouri, we know how that went!  Before the storms hit I did get this cute picture of Clare in her 4th of July dress that her Great Aunt Joan made her!   Instead of a pool day, we brought our Margarita's inside and played Uno!  Even though my tan suffered, we still had a great time.  My aunt made these wonderful burgers, called inside out burgers. Here is the link to the recipe....they were delicious!

Here is a picture of me with Clare and my nephew Grayson before the storms hit!

Today seems to be another bust of a pool day, so I guess we will stay inside and catch up on some much needed relaxation (aka: laundry, cleaning, ironing, ect!)

~Happy 4th of July from the Ahearn's

Friday, July 1, 2011

Welcome to the Ahearn Family Blog!

With Clare approaching oNe YeAr old, I thought it would be appropriate to start a blog for our family!  I plan on updating it weekly with new pictures and even posting some pictures from the past.  So create a login, comment on posts, and follow along with our crazy life! 
The Ahearn's