Saturday, March 2, 2013

Quality over Quantity

Paul and I have both been quite the jet setters lately and slowing down is no where in sight. Both of our careers have always kept up busy but add in more travel than usual and it can make for interesting weeks. It seems we are trying to fit in family time anytime we can but most of all making the best of every moment!

Like a long weekend for Mommy and Daddy in Los Angelas....

Paul has always had a busy flight schedule but for the most part my career keeps me in St. Louis. I had the pleasure this week to attend a week long training at our corporate headquarters in Baltimore Maryland. This experience has by far been the best thing I have ever experienced in my career! It was nothing like I expected but everything I needed...I won't bore you with all the details!

The main reason for this blog was not to boast about what great careers we have but to take a moment every week to think about all the quality (not quantity) time we get spend together. Rather its 30 minutes at night playing bears (hide under the covers then a bear comes under the "tent" and eats us) or taking ten minutes before bed reading stories or eating lunch in our princess clothes it's all about spending quality time together!