Friday, January 25, 2013

Agenda...potty training....result...lots of accidents and Dominic rolling over!!!!

Today I took a day away from the office (which really means I just didn't physically go into the office but still got lots of work done!)
On the agenda was potty training Clare but Dominic was the star of the day with rolling over for the first time!!!

We are no where near calling potty training a success but we are giving it our best shot!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Cousin love

When my older sister and I found out our first babies would be 6 weeks apart we imagined all the fun it would we get to experience it on a weekly basis! So this post is designated to Cousin love!

Our 2nd (I just can't call them the last!) babies are 6 months apart. Miss. Avery will be here late March or early April.

Oh, and Dominic got his first taste of cereal this weekend! He loved it!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

The birth of our son!

We welcomed Dominic Whitney to our family on September 18th, 2012 at 12:56am weighing 8lbs 2oz!
The birth was very easy and he was perfect!

New Years Resolutions!

I have many resolutions....and one of them was to start blogging again! I want my kiddos to have something they can look back on and see themselves growing up. So here I am...back again! What a better way to start blogging again than to do a photo dump??!!!