Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Parenting Fails

It seems as though the terrible twos are in full force at my house. This post is designated to our lovely Clarabelle at the sweet age of two!

"Clare lets put your shoes on."
"No! Can't!"
Which by this she actually means "I won't!"

Bedtime has been a major challenge for us recently. I guess it's paybacks from all the other parents whom children have never been good sleepers. In our case it's not staying asleep that's an issue it's the actual bedtime. You want to see a blond headed beauty turn into a mean red eyed bull? Say "bedtime!"

So tonight in hopes to avoid the head butt I received last night (on accident because she was whaling her body all over the place not wanting to lay down) I resorted to a different plan....

"Clare I think there is a special treat in her bed"
"Oh really?!"
"Yes, you should get into your bed to find it!"
"Ok, mommy!"
"Now close your eyes and I'll be right back...going to get M&M's...put hand under her cover and waaalaa! Look Clare mommy found M&M's in your bed!"

Worked like a charm...now that I've started this ritual lets hope I'm not still hiding M&M's under her covers when she's 16!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Daddy Daughter Dance

One of the many things I loved first about my husband is how special he made me feel and his thoughtfulness. Our daughter has been no exception to the way he spoils his girls! Daddy and Clare headed their first Daddy Daughter Dance this weekend! It was something they prepared for well in advance along with many dress rehearsals to make sure her Princess dress was perfect...and it was...actually the whole night was perfect!